Richard Alva Cavett, or better known to the public as Dick Cavett, is an American television personality, comedian, and former talk show host. Dick Cavett’s home is a testament to his tenacity and dedication. The former show host and television personality enjoyed a fruitful career in television that spanned for almost five decades, from the 1960s through the 2000s. Dick Cavett is notable for his conversational style and in-depth discussions. He interviewed personalities like Salvador Dali, Marlon Brando, and John Lennon during his time.

His dedication carried over rebuilding his abode, together with his late wife, after it burned down in 1997. They affectionately named it Cavett’s Cove, and it is located in Montauk entered the market with a whopping price of $62 million. The 7000-square-foot mansion has six bedrooms and four bathrooms, a wraparound porch, and ocean views throughout. It was lowered to $48 million and was lowered once again in 2018 to $33.95 million.
