Sharing a stomach, spine, heart, and spinal cord, conjoined twins Abby and Brittany gained much public attention. Each twin controls one arm and one leg. As infants, learning to crawl, walk, and clap required cooperation. They can eat and write separately and simultaneously. Activities such as running, swimming, hair brushing and driving a car require coordinated action. Being featured on Oprah, the twins were noticed because aside from both being healthy, they have also learned to have an impressive degree of body coordination.
After this guesting, they had their own reality show called Abby and Brittany. The show featured how there were so many health issues concerning their mother Patty’s pregnancy, and how these were all overcome. They talked about growing up and their interest in fashion, and how they can even drive! Through all the popularity, although grateful, the twins decided to lead a quieter life away from the limelight thereafter.