Meredith Baxter is an American actress known for her role on the ABC drama series, Family and NBC’s Family Ties. She’s a five-time Emmy Award nominee and has since worked as a producer as well. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 but has since fully recovered and made investments on her health.

She sold her living space in Santa Monica back in 2017 for a whopping cost of $4.58 million. It was handled professionally, like a financial advisor handling investments, by a real estate agent named Isabelle Mizrahi. The property was built in 1972 and can be characterized as rustic, with very lush landscaping, pools, fireplaces, and vaulted ceiling. This rustic contemporary-inspired mansion is 4500-square-foot, with five bedrooms and four bathrooms, which has a long history and is set among trees on about a third of an acre.
