Sean Connery may or may not be your favorite James Bond, but there’s a reason why he is popularly known as The Greatest Scot. Having achieved a prolific career over his 50-year run as an actor, he deserved every bit of merit and recognition. However, the Scotland-born actor was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had to work hard to make his way to the top. Sir Sean was not to be crossed when it comes to the subject of money.

In the early 1980s, he sued his former financial advisor after he felt that he was receiving less than he should for his role in the Bond movies. Regardless, he still managed to donate half of his fortune to his Scottish Charity. However, that did not stop Sean to achieve more. In fact, he created his own film production company, called Fountainbridge films, which could be found in the area where he was born.
