French-Canadian singing sensation, Celine Dion, who is reportedly one of the best-selling artists of all time. Between 2000 and 2010, Celine Dion was the highest-grossing artist in the world. When you add up ticket sales, record sales, merchandise and all other sources of revenue, Celine’s total empire revenue exceeds $720 million! It is currently said that Celine Dion is worth about 800 million US dollars. Indeed, because of her dizzying amount of wealth, Celine has now earned the distinction of being the third richest artist in the world.

No wonder she’s been referred to as a “Canadian Queen” for quite some time now. What’s more, Celine Dion is known to have a huge investment portfolio, which includes plush real estate all over the world. She is definitely living the life, so to speak, enjoying her hard-earned money, thanks to her hard work. Dion has reached out to many charities around the world. Since 1982, she has been involved in the work of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
