Whether you are 16 or 65, you must have heard of O.J. Simpson, an American football player, actor and sports commentator with a net worth of $3 million. He was considered financially responsible for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole and her friend Ron, but was found not guilty of the murders though many people believe that he did indeed get away with it. Many people called it karma when he was found guilty of kidnapping and burglary. In 2017, Simpson was released after serving 9 years behind bars.

Today, his main source of income is a full NFL pension, which is reportedly worth up to $5 million. State law protects this pension from being claimed by the Goldman family. He is also reported to have a pension from the film actors Association, which pays about $1700 a month. Fortunately for OJ, pension income will not be affected by bankruptcy or legal judgment, so it is totally inappropriate for the Goldman family.
