Actress and singer Marcy McGuire was well-admired in the ’40s. She signed a contract with RKO Pictures at the age of 16. Her first film was entitled Seven Days’ Leave, along with famous actress Lucille Ball. Prior to her retirement in 1963, she starred in a total of 11 films including Career Girl, Sing Your Way Home, and It Happened in Brooklyn. One of her notable films was Higher and Higher with singer Frank Sinatra, for which they recorded songs together. At the age of 94 years old, we’re pretty sure Marcy has saved up for her health insurance.

There are so many living legends on this list, and compared to the first few ones, Marcy didn’t have too many projects under her name. However, she is still one of the greatest actresses out there worth being remembered by. She was not only big in acting in the ’40s, but she was also a contralto singer. She should have all the credits in the world for being able to maintain a healthy and non-controversial life at her age.
