As an American comedian, actor, and game show host, Drew Carey is known for his place in the stand-up comedy industry and gained stardom with his own sitcom, The Drew Carey Show. However, nowadays, he’s more known as the long-running host of The Price Is Right, which he has hosted since 2007. Drew Carey’s early life and television career is detailed in his autobiography, Dirty Jokes, and Beer: Stories of the Unrefined

Drew Carey has an annual salary of $12.5 million for hosting “Price”, which makes him one of 20 highest-paid TV hosts in the world, and he has a net worth of $165 million. With smart investments and money management, the veteran bought himself a gorgeous Los Angeles home. Although the worth is undisclosed, the house consists of four bedrooms and four bathrooms. It also has a gorgeous pool, perfect for summer.
