Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian

Tycoon Alexis Ohanian and world-renowned tennis player Serena Williams met at the Cavalieri Hotel in Rome when they both had separate engagements to attend to in 2015. Their first meeting was not at all sweet as many would like to assume. Ohanian reportedly sat down at a table that was supposed to be occupied by Williams and her colleagues. As she tried to get him to move to another table, the two started chatting and later hit it off. Ohanian, who wasn’t a tennis fan, ended up watching Williams’ match and then another one in France after that.

Their first real date happened after that, and it was followed by a lot of fancy dates too. The couple is famous for their extravagant, spontaneous romantic getaways. It wasn’t long until they decided to tie the knot. Ohanian proposed in the exact same spot in Rome where they first met. With the financial advisors he has, he surely afforded to be extravagant. At 6’5″, Ohanian always looked good next to the 5’9″ athlete.
