Warren Beatty and Annette Benning

This celebrity couple is one of the most timeless and undying couples of all time. Annette Benning married Warren Beatty in March 1992; they have four lovely children together. They have been under the spotlight most of their life and the least that people would notice about them is their height difference – but they did. Even though it is not too obvious unlike some couples, there is still a gap between Warren and Annette’s heights. This is what people sometimes refer to as a normal gap. Normal height gaps are basically the ideal height gap when a man is a bit taller than a woman.

Annette stands at 1.69 m, and Warren stands at 1.88 m. We should give this lovely couple all the credits in the world for they deserve every bit of it – from their project comparisons to previous relationships to the smallest things such as their height gap, they have encountered it all and yet remain to be standing strong amidst gossip. This is what you call a happy ever after.
