Chuck Norris is a famous Hollywood figure in the United States, and is respected by action movie fans all over the world. He is an actor, film producer, screenwriter, writer, and especially a martial arts expert. He has a black belt in Taekwondo, Karate, Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He has won many martial arts championships and later founded his own fighting school Chun Kuk Do.

He is also the subject of the popular online meme Chuck Norris facts. As of 2020, Chuck Norris has a net worth of approximately $70 million. In 2013, Norris listed his Dallas home for $1.2 million. The 7.362 square foot house has four bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a theater and a weight room. It has its own lake. The property also has a separate building that serves as a studio during Walker’s production process in Texas.
